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We are on the northwest corner of campus, 关闭 to the high-rise residence halls. 看到 校园地图.


大学健康中心每天早上8点开放.m. - 5 p.m., 一学年的周一到周五, 在夏季学期减少服务时间.


通过预约,威尼斯人在线可以为您提供最好的服务, 因为这让威尼斯人在线工作与可用的预约时间和您的日程安排. We do provide walk-in triage services for students in crisis (counseling) or with urgent clinical needs.


拨打660健康服务电话.562.办公时间1348. 尽可能早地打电话安排时间.


  • If you need attention when we are not open, please go to Mosaic Medical Center - Maryville. 他们位于2016年南主街,玛丽维尔,MO 64468. 他们的电话号码是660.562.2600.
  • 如果你下班后有任何问题, 社区健康计划提供24小时护士热线. Their registered nurses have the experience it takes to provide quality health information. This local service is free and confidential and is offered 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 请拨1.800.455.使用此服务. 


For medical emergencies, always call 911 for assistance, either on or off-campus.



健康服务 will file all student insurance plans with the exception of out-of-state Medicaid. We advise students to reach out to their insurance carriers to make sure our office is considered in-network.

学生将负责程序, 实验室工作, 注射和药物费用不在保险范围内. These charges will be sent to Student Account Services and will display on your monthly bill. 然而, office visit charges (the evaluation and management portion of the visit - consultation, diagnosis and treatment recommendations) that are not covered by insurance are covered by the designated fee that is paid alongside your tuition.

我有保险,但没带卡. 我还能向我的保险公司申请吗?

In order for 健康服务 to file your claim we will need to have a copy of your insurance card on file. We ask that you bring your card with you or provide it to us within 48 hours of your visit. This can be done by faxing us a copy (please fax both sides of your card to 660.562.1585) or by bringing your card to 健康服务 for us to make a copy.  每个学期,健康服务中心都会要求你重新扫描一次信用卡.

我刚收到一封EOB邮件. 这是什么??


收到EOB后,务必仔细阅读. Your health insurer sends this document to you after you receive healthcare services. 记住,这不是一项法案. Reviewing your EOB is a big step in preventing healthcare fraud and medical identity theft. 如果你发现表格不准确, you should contact the medical provider and your health insurer's customer service.


Being in-network means that we are contracted with your insurance company. 威尼斯人在线将代表你方向保险公司提出索赔. If for whatever reason your insurance is not enforced or services are not covered, 您的学生帐户将被计费.


Being out-of-network means that we are not contracted with your insurance company at this time. 不管威尼斯人在线是在网络内还是网络外, 威尼斯人在线将代你方向保险公司开出账单. Your insurance carrier may not cover services provided at 健康服务, 或者可能以较低的费率覆盖它们(例如, 他们可能只付50%的账单, 而不是80%). 再一次。, talk to your insurance carrier before you arrive at Northwest so you know whether services will be covered by insurance.

What if my health insurance does not cover the services provided at 健康服务?

一旦威尼斯人在线被拒绝从你的保险公司付款(即, 你没有达到你的免赔额, 威尼斯人在线在网络之外, 或者所提供的服务不在保险公司的承保范围内), we will bill your student account and you will be responsible for payment of all services not covered by your insurance or the designated fee.



Students often come to 咨询 with the kinds of concerns and interests listed below:

  • 如何建立健康的人际关系
  • 抑郁和焦虑
  • 对多样性和文化的关注
  • 睡眠习惯
  • 考试焦虑
  • 减压
  • 关于个人价值观/信仰的问题
  • 如何变得更积极
  • 发展自己的身份
  • 身体形象和饮食习惯
  • 性问题
  • 亲人去世
  • 演讲焦虑
  • 对朋友的担忧
  • 处理创伤事件
  • 克服拖延症


Individual counseling sessions are typically 45-minutes in length and can be scheduled by calling 660.562.1348.  工作人员可以帮助学生探索, 理解, 在一对一的基础上解决问题和挑战.  个人咨询可以帮助学生找到替代方案, expand choices and overcome obstacles that interfere with personal development, 幸福和学业成功的感觉.




  • 校外咨询服务的适当转诊信息
  • 方案策划与实施
  • 在职培训和演讲
  • 服务简介
  • 关心学生


Our outreach programming represents our commitment to reach out beyond our office walls to the Northwest community. 介绍威尼斯人在线的教育研讨会, 研讨会, 课堂演讲, and events we have the goal of helping Northwest students to be resilient and self-aware as possible. If we can help students learn about stress management and 积极心理学 before they get too stressed-out; about eating problems before they get too caught up in their diets; about getting help for 抑郁症 before they've been depressed all semester; then we can help them prevent small problems from becoming larger.

威尼斯人在线在宿舍里做演讲和促进讨论, 学术课程, 学生组织, 以及教职员工群体. 要求, we will gladly create specific programs geared toward improvement of the mental health and overall success of our campus community. 在过去, 请求的主题包括压力管理, 积极心理学, 了解抑郁症, 健康关系指南, 如何帮助陷入困境的学生, 动机, 处理悲伤/失去.


预约可致电660.562.1348或到健康服务中心. 因为威尼斯人在线太相信面对面关系的价值了, 威尼斯人在线不通过电子邮件或电话提供咨询.

咨询 sessions generally last about 45 minutes for individual therapy. A Consultation is the first appointment scheduled with 健康服务 for counseling. 在本次会议期间, 辅导员和学生评估这些担忧, 提出需求和目标,并探索解决的途径.


If you have an emergency, please contact one of the following resources:

  • 911
  • 大学警察660.562.1254
  • 马赛克医疗中心心理健康服务660.562.2227 or 1.800.841.3866
  • 支持热线888. 279.8188



没有一件事是人们进来谈论的. 整体, 最常见的担忧是人际关系, 压力和焦虑, 抑郁症, and family issues yet there is a wide range of other issues that students cope with as well.


初次预约是根据预约的可用性安排的. 如果你随时想换辅导员的话, 只要在下次预约时表明你想这样做就行了.


If you are 18 years of age or older, you are no longer considered a minor. 因此, your records will be kept confidential and we will not speak about you with anyone else, 没有你的书面许可, unless we're concerned that you present a psychological or physical danger to yourself or others, 虐待或忽视儿童/长者的个案, or in the rare instances when a court of law could subpoena 咨询 records.

What if I'm concerned that I'll take away time from someone who REALLY needs it?

威尼斯人在线欢迎任何渴望学习和成长的学生. 欢迎大家来咨询威尼斯人在线的服务.


威尼斯人在线鼓励那些不确定的学生来尝试一下. Sometimes one visit is all that is needed to gain a new perspective on a problem or to find out about another resource that could be of better help. 大多数时候, students find that the whole experience is not as bad as they thought and they find it pretty helpful!

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